Water-Edge Public Spaces & The City: Analytical Framework for Studying Coastal Edge Public Spaces
Urvashi Purohit and Jwalant Dave
Purpose: 2 Wateredgesinacoastalcityhavethepotentialtobesuccessfulpublicspaces,withaccesstowaterbeingthemost vital. This research tries to understand the water-edge conditions in diverse development scenarios, the city's responsetotheseedges,andtheirimpactonpublicspaces. Studydesign/methodology/approach: The research initially establishes the concept of edge conditions and development scenarios. Based on recognized theoretical references, literature review, and case studies, a framework has been devised to assess the “degreeof publicness”of anywater-edgepublicspace.Argumentcases,situatedonthewesterncoastof Greater Mumbai, have been graded on the framework, and critical “switches” have been identified. The study uses a qualitative approach in 2-stages, first through a general questionnaire survey, and then through on-site visual surveys,observations,andinformalinterviewswithstakeholders,tocollectandanalysedata. Findings: The findings highlight “switches” as markers for the “publicness” of the sites, the socio-spatial environment of thesepublicspaces,andthepeople'sperceptionof them. Originality/value: Further, ongoing & future development scenarios have been graded, and through a people-centric approach, recommendations are suggested, pertaining to appropriate “switches” that orchestrate the desired “degree of publicness”asperthecity&community'sneeds. Researchlimitations/implications: Theanalytical process however has limitations as it captures results in absolute terms only, and doesn't factor in the variation in quantity or quality. Thus the grading has been used to establish the potential of each site, and doesnotdescribetheextentormannerof each“switch”.
Urban Coastal Edges; Public Spaces; Analytical Framework
Research Articles
Investigating Urban Redevelopment Potential through Spatial Analysis: An Urban Studies Studio Experiment
Amruta Garud and Nilima Dhamal
Purpose: Theurbanlandscape of Pune city has witnessed substantial transformation due to the influx of people over the years resulting in not only an unmonitored urban sprawl but also an unwarranted redevelopment projects in the core city adding to the sudden increase in the population density. The appealing redevelopment trend in metropolitan cities like Pune attracts new residents seeking locational benefits, necessitating an in-depth study. This research presents a pedagogical contribution to redevelopment literature by developing a spatial index to determinetheaccessibilityaspectof redevelopmentpotential. Studydesign/methodology/approach: This research, conducted in the Urban Studies Studio, involves a thorough review of redevelopment literature, the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) for spatial mapping, and the development of a multi-criteria IndexusingtheAnalyticalHierarchyProcess(AHP). Originality/value: The research identifies four key stakeholders in redevelopment projects: the original owner, the developer, the local authority, and the potential new buyer. While most literature focuses on owners' and developers' perceptions, this study emphasizes the proximity benefits valued by potential new buyers. The correlation mapped between various physical, locational, and functional attributes in the area studied is a notable contribution. Researchlimitations/implications: The study deliberately avoids building attributes such as age, condition of the property, and dwelling unit densities to focus solely on proximity parameters. This studio experiment demonstrates investigation of Urban RedevelopmentPotentialforasmallerareainPunecityandshowscompetenceforacity-wideapplication.
Urban Redevelopment; Spatial Index; Geographic Information System; Multi criteria Decision Making; Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
Research Articles
Reuse of Strength-Tested Concrete Cubes for Cost-Effective Construction Solutions
Sujata Mehta, Rupali Mahajan and Aarti Shah
Purpose: India,themostpopulatedcountryintheworld,has150milliontonsConstructionandDemolition(C&D)waste generated every year, of which only 1% is recycled and even lesser is reused. Use of recycled construction material has challenges like cost of recycling, quality of recycled product, limited use due to construction laws andperception of the user. Reuse of this waste material in appropriate applications can contribute to increasing demand of construction materials and circular economy. Strength-tested Concrete blocks form a major component of waste, in a construction material-testing laboratory. Present paper proposes two cost-effective solutionsforreuseof strength-testedconcreteblocks. Studydesign/methodology/approach: The solutions proposed in the present study include i) Use of strength-tested concrete blocks into compound walls with mortar, as a replacement for brick or stone masonry and ii) Use of strength-tested concrete blocks to replaceof largequantityof aggregatesingabionwalls. Findings: The methodology for reuse of strength-tested blocks to match the functionality, achieved by strength and serviceability, is suggested for both applications. Cost comparison with conventional method is carried out for each case. The comparison shows promising results leading to cost-effective construction solution and sustainabilitybymaterialreuse,contributingtocirculareconomy. Originality/value: Literature available mostly includes recycling of construction material while present paper focuses on reuse of concreteblockswithoutprocessing. Researchlimitations/implications: Presentstudyislimitedtodesigncalculationsandconstructionof compoundwallsandgabionwallsupto2.5m heightandinearthquakezone1,2and3.
Understanding Material & Fabrication Constraint As a Pallet for Digital Design of a Non-Standard Glulam Pavilion
Sayali Rahinj
Purpose: Thefocusisgoingtowardsdevelopingafrugaljigwhichcanbetakenonsiteandcanassistaidandbendtimberor glulam. This research focuses on extending the bending characteristics of glulam wood using digital fabrication toolsandmethods. Studydesign/methodology/approach: Non-standard timber pavilions have been an exciting premise where experimental methods of non-standard fabrications areexhibited.Timberhasalsobeenwidelyusedinproductionof non-standardpavilionsforthepast few decades. Digital fabrication methods have thus augmented traditional timber craft to suit non-standard architectural productions. Glulam i.e. glue laminated timber is an engineered wood which is used for non standard geometries. This involves bending of timber beams in singularly curved elements or doubly curved elements. Findings: This research explores the bending capacity of glue laminated timber beams by exploring the grain study of timber,gluingof timberandfabricatingof gluelaminatedbeams. Originality/value: This research paper explores the material study of Indian timber strips toward making glue laminated beams with thehelpof anindigenousjigthatallowscurvilinear bendingasanon-siteprocessthatcanbeeasilyusedby Indiancarpenter/craftsmen. Researchlimitations/implications: Digital fabrication technique thus has augmented the traditional timber craft extending its use in curvilinear geometries.Theseprocessesareoff siteprocessesincontrolledindustrialenvironment.
Types of wood; Wood Fibers; Glulam; Jig; Fabrication; Pavilion
Research Articles
Examining the Value of Traditional Blue Green Networks and its Potential for Augmenting the Existing Grey Infrastructure in Historic Cities: A Case of Burhanpur
Jinisha Lodaya
Purpose: To examine the value of traditional blue green networks and its potential for augmenting existing grey infrastructureinhistoriccities Studydesign/methodology/approach: This paper examines the history and components of Kundi Bhandara, a qanat based water system supplying water to the town of Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India since Mughal times. Various reports and articles that investigate the current condition and potential capacity of the Kundi Bhandara infrastructure are juxtaposed withdataonexistinggreywatersupplynetwork-itscurrentconditionandcapacity.Theroleof KundiBhandara in mitigating these gaps is examined along with identifying the potential for building upon values offered by the traditional blue green network. Strategies on increasing the capacity of the heritage water system are also discussed,asitwillhelpbuildwaterresilience. Findings: Integrating the traditional water system with the grey infrastructure for water supply will help in meeting the water requirements of the city. Concepts and strategies of blue green infrastructure will help in sustaining the townswatersupplyforlonger. Originality/value: This paper presents a fresh approach of looking at heritage as not static nor in isolation but sustainably integratingitintothepresent-dayurbaninfrastructure. Researchlimitations/implications: Theresearchhastwolimitationsthattheheritagewatersystemconsideredshouldbeconstructedforcivicsupply only, not for agricultural use and the said system should be still partly functional or be physically intact, not ruined.
Urban Heritage; Qanat; Blue Green Network; Water Supply; Groundwater
Research Articles
Impact of Tourism Development on the Spatial Landscape: Case of Spiti Valley Region, Himachal Pradesh, India
Rushikesh R. Deshmukh and Neeti Trivedi
Purpose: Tourism in developing countries, such as India, is becoming a growing environmental concern due to the increase in tourism activity facilitated by the widespread availability of information through social media and improvedconnectivity to tourist-prone areas. This surge in tourism has directly impacted the region through the lack of suitable infrastructure and planning, direct contact with fragile ecosystems and protected areas. The significantgrowthintouristfootfallhasresultedinthehaphazardmushroomingupof builtmasses. Studydesign/methodology/approach: Observations,field surveys, andinformaldiscussionswiththecommunity,developersandtouristsweresomeof the methods adopted to collect primary data. The study seeks to analyse the impact of tourism on the spatial landscape. Findings: Themainobjectiveof thisstudyistounderstandthetourism-inducedchangesinthespatiallandscapeof thesaid region. This research contributes to the decision-making process and facilitate the formulation of effective strategiestoaddressthechallengesposedbytourismdevelopmentintheregion. Originality/value: Overthepasttwodecadesitobservedanimbalanceinthenaturalandculturalheritage.Itisimperativetoexecute robust planning procedures to address the subsistence and forthcoming problems faced by the region. There is a pressing need to adopt a structured approach to deal with the arbitrary development by building capacity at differentorganisationallevels. Researchlimitations/implications: This study aims to assess the changes in the spatial landscape in three important locations witin the Spiti Valley region,namelyKaza,Nako,andReckongPeo.
Spatial Landscape; Built Environment; Tourism; Spiti alley